
It was 2010, I had just moved to Pasadena and I needed to find a new church. One of my least favorite things to do is find a new church. I loathe the process. I knew one thing, I didn’t want to drive very far to go to church. Thanks to Google I didn’t have to.

Harvest Rock Church was the first church that popped up when I hit enter. I clicked on their website link, found their core values, and after reading through them realized I didn't disagree with a single one. I thought to myself, “There’s no way that it could be this easy,” and decided to visit the very next Sunday.

At the time, I was certain that Harvest Rock wouldn’t be home, it would just be a convenient place to attend while I kept looking, but here I am 11 years later and this particular group of people is more home than I ever could’ve thought possible. I am who I am because of this church family, because of the fire we were forged in together.

When I first moved to Pasadena I wholeheartedly believed that the community I had left was as good as it was ever going to get. But that’s the thing about going from glory to GLORY - you can’t possibly imagine what that’s going to look like because you only ever have a glimpse of the person God is shaping you to be.

